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Drakonpod is a freelance musician from Thailand, born in 2005. I started writing modules in 2020. I usually write trance music, maybe other genres like Goa, Ambient Techno. I have been using Impulse Tracker (.IT) for almost 5 years. I have plans in the future to give concerts somewhere.

Please open my module on OpenMPT. I recommend opening it on there.

2020-2024 {.IT Schism tracker}
2025-Now {.IT OpenMPT }

Contact me : Join to TMA Discord



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Name Song

Turbo Light (Odyssey)
00:00 / 03:39
Lunar City
00:00 / 07:00
00:00 / 05:29
Aether II
00:00 / 05:36
Pipe Dream
00:00 / 04:27
Goa - 13 (Collab with blue orian)
00:00 / 03:09
Spirit Of The Water
00:00 / 06:05
Dimensional Portal
00:00 / 02:22
00:00 / 06:12
The Pathpioneer Lucia (Collab with fuzion_mixer)
00:00 / 07:36
00:00 / 03:16
Winter Paws
00:00 / 03:57
00:00 / 02:33


A deserted settlement on this planet, where some kind of war has broken out and people mysteriously disappeared. Zenarc is currently exploring this planet alone. He is collecting various data on this planet. He is sitting on a rock under a tree. He is recording various details such as the weather, the plants. They seemed to have sprouted recently, as the temperature had been freezing for centuries. "Oh, it's almost morning. I'll set up my tent here. It's strange how I like to see the moon, the deserted city, and the mountains before I close my eyes. Of course I like working at night."

2022-2025 BY DRAKONPOD

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